News Podcast

Podcast – How to Enrich and Future Proof Your Career

This morning I am sharing a link to the podcast I recorded this week with Jane Barrett from The Career Farm Limited. Jane wanted my insights on how #Covid19 is impacting organisations and people we meet and coach.

In the interview, I shared how much of what I shared in my book ‘Future Proof Your Career’ has accelerated and now more than ever is a time to use the ‘My Career, My Business Model’ and the 9 C’s #skillsforthefuture.

My view is to never waste a crisis. We are in a time of ‘forced innovation’ as we need to let go of many of our routine habitual ways of being and doing.

This crisis has given us license to experiment and try new ways of doing things. It may not always work first time and neither should it.

Jane interviews many other very interesting guests and a podcast I recommend to my clients to stay ahead in your career. The link to the podcast here.

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